Duty refund and reduction that results in substantial savings

We are your expert in assessing manufacturing, exporting, and importing program in order to find and measure possible ways to minimise duties and drawbacks.

We manage cross border trade requirements;

Duty Drawback and Recovery
Get the most of your customs duties and fees refund in Australia, the US, and Canada.

Customs Petitions
Knowledge to ensures you always present yourself in the best possible light when contesting a customs decision.

Local Duty Mitigation
Local country knowledge to assist in navigating even the most complex situations

Inward Processing
We can assist in figuring out whether duty relief is offered for imported products that are being prepared for later reexport.

First Sale
To reduce the duties payable and perhaps save a substantial amount of money, we may assess whether your company is eligible for First Sale.

Application Assistance
We can assist to streamlines the application process, saving you time and effort while recovering your money and increasing your revenue.